Today, we are going to talk about the top marketing skills to master in 2020. If you are pursuing a career in digital marketing, some of these professions are worth considering.
Data science
You know, people use the phrase data is the new oil.The way I look at it, data is very important and a lot of people don’t know how to do basic data analysis, right?
So you kind of have to understand analytics first. Because you have to understand the story that the data is telling you,and then you can actually take some action on it. So you do have to understand data analytics, and if you actually want to go deeper into the field, you should understand data science.
There is an online education company called data camp, and they actually teach data science. And then also you can go to Coursera, you can go to TedX. You can even go to YouTube if you want to learn about data science, and I’m sure there’s a ton of free videos out there.I would say around the data and analytics portion.
A lot of companies, especially in Silicon Valley right now, they raised a bunch of money from venture capitalists, which is no problem. As long as they have, you know, a solid business model. But the problem is they think a lot of companies, when I talk to them, Oh, we’re just going to figure out Google ads and Facebook Ads and we’re going to scale that way.
But everybody knows how to do that now. So how do you differentiate yourself? They know how to run the ads, but beyond that, you know there’s skills that are lacking. So I think, you know, to kind of make sure that you’re protected for the long term, you have to understand how to do copywriting.
So I recommend reading a book called breakthrough advertising,and another one called the boron letters. Breakthrough advertising used to be like, I think I purchased a book for a couple of hundred dollars.You can actually get their prints now for $125 just Google Breakthrough advertising book.
And I think I should be able to find it. Boron letters you can find on Amazon.It was written by Gary halpert,which is one of the all time greatest copywriters.He had a son that he wrote the letter to called bond halpert.And I think bond Halbert actually has a newsletter right those are, you know, there’s,there’s actually another email that’s called email player.
So check that one out too.When you learn the skill of copywriting and you’re learning how to talk to people, you’re learning how to get people to take an action. you’re not writing long walls of texts.
You’re basically learning how to copyright for Twitter. You’re learning how to copyright for LinkedIn as well. Anybody that knows how to writelong form copy those, those are still, those people are, are very hard to find nowadays, but if you know how to write long form copy,you can really write copy and use types of words to persuade people, right?
And that’s what you’re trying to do with your marketing. A lot of times are going to be using words when you’re sending emails to people, you’re going tobe, you’re going to be writing ads.It could be writing a book.You have to understand, like if you become really good at copywriting,I think you’re going to be levels above people. Versus the people that you know just know how to run a Facebook and Google ads.
You’ve got to know how to go beyond that. I also think it’s very important for 2020 for people to understand.That they need to pick one content channel that they’re good at andstick with it.So using the copywriting example, I like writing.If I were to pick writing channels,I would pick maybe a Twitter and I Would pick LinkedIn organic. And I would just write on there and whatever I write on there, I’m not,well, not all the time, but I tend to see better performance thereover time
Now, I also like doing audio too.I don’t have a problem with doing video, but video requires the editing portion.That I don’t know how to do.It requires some design work as well, which I don’t know how to do.You know?
That’s where you need to,you know, get outside help.But you do need to understand that, content, having one kind of foundational content channel that you go after, and then learning how to repurpose that, that’s going to be very important because the one thing that you’re going to have that’s defensible for the long term.
Is your brand, right? So it doesn’t matter if you’re working for somebody, and it doesn’t matter if you have your own company.You have to understand that your brand is going to take you far. Like I’ve seen a lot of people where they’ve worked for companies and because they blogged at the same time and they built some kind of personal brand that they’re able, they were pretty, it was pretty easy for them to find other,other gigs, that were, you know,next level.Right.So I would, I would take that into account.
For me.I like writing.I like podcasts too. So those are the channelsI kind of go after, right? So what are you good at? And if you’re good at video,understand that that video can be repurposed into audio files, can be repurposed into stories, can repurpose into social media posts,and the list goes on and on and on.If you, you’re going to repurpose content, you have to learn.Okay.
Who’s going to actually do it. Can you delegate this out to people? Even if you’re working for someone, you can delegate.You can find people on Upwork.You can go to these other sources and figure out how to delegate this out to other people, right? But you have to figure out what that proposing framework lookalike.That workflow looks like because there are so many sources nowadays,disparate channels out there and it’s becoming more and more competitive.
Ads are getting more competitive. SEO is getting more competitive.So how do you stand out? You’ve got to think about how you can take the Omni channel approach.And if you’re going to do that,if you’re going to take the Omni channel approach, who is going to help you do that work? You know, the fifth piece here is basic SEO.
The entrepreneurs that I know that understand SEO, they are their next level versus, you know, some of the other entrepreneurs I don’t like.There’s, the way I look at is the,the ones that understand business and SEO and the ones that understand kind of business and acquisitions.
Those are the ones that have different, they have a difference,they’re wired differently.And those are the ones that Igenerally learned the most from.You know, when you understand SEOand you understand business, you probably understand all these other elements. Because SEO is like a little puzzle.
And then businesses also puzzle too.You’re, you’re, you’re creating culture, you’re hiring people,you’re firing people.if you don’t know how to maneuver to business for the long term, something with like when you’re, when you’re doing acquisitions, you’re,you’re doing all this maneuvering.You’re playing all these little games, a game within a game.
You know, when you understand basic SEO, I, you know, you, the, the sky’s the limit. Because you understand foundationally how you can build websites and build traffic quickly,and then how you can collect email addresses.
I need how you can parlay that into retargeting people making lookalike audiences and, you know,having a, having a chat bot on yoursite too.And it just, you know, you have email pop ups to collecting emails.You’re just doing all these different little things that gives you leverage for the longterm.So I think having that basic foundational understanding of SEO.It’s going to take you a long way.
When I look at it, single grain,our ad agency, the website, when Ifirst came into it, 4,000 visitors a month, now we’re about 250,000visits a month.And because we were able to buildout leverage we have so many people hitting our website, there’s people on our email list.We were able to get a seven figure deal because we combined a tool with the traffic that we have collected.An email address.
Put them into a sales enablement tool, but you can see the foundational piece was the SEO piece, right? So again, this comes back to copywriting.If you know copywriting well, then you can parlay that into, you know,you starting out with SEO first.Once you start getting going, you start getting some revenue going.
You hire other people to help you.You understand the framework that you want and you build and you build on your build. And before you know it, because you started with SEO, now you have a legit legitimate business.And your business is getting bigger, bitter now.Now you can play the game of acquisitions down the road.
Right? So that’s how I see it.These are the five top skills, Ithink, to master when it comes tomarketing.A lot of these are foundational, right? I think if you understand the foundational pieces and you want togo deeper.
You should have no problem doing so.Let me know what you think Imissed in the comments below.What you think are the top skills to master in 2020 and also whatever platform you’re coming from.Don’t forget to rate,review and subscribe.It helps us grow faster and don’t forget to check on the next video over there.If you’re coming from YouTubeand we will see you tomorrow.