Every dog lover treats their dogs as a member of their family. Dogs are active animals with a great sense of smell. Many external factors can affect the health condition of the dogs. As dogs are constantly being exposed to the natural environment, it increases the threat of worms.
Dog worms are one of the common conditions found in dogs. In some cases, the symptoms are evident, and in some, the symptoms are shallow. Once the type of worm is diagnosed, a prescribed dog wormer will kill the parasites present in the internal organs. This condition may reoccur if the dog is again infected by worms. There are respective treatments to cure these conditions.
There are different types of worms like hookworms, whipworms, roundworms, and tapeworms. The dogs may get infected from the soil that is contaminated. The chances of puppies getting infected are also high as these worms can penetrate through organs. The symptoms involve dehydration, lethargy, nutrient deficiency, cough, vomiting, diarrhoea, and pneumonia. The presence of these worms can be diagnosed by testing the dog’s faeces.
Roundworms don’t cause any severe illness when infected. The commonly found worm infection is Toxocara Canis, and the other infectious worm is Toxascaris Leonina. These infections can be diagnosed by testing the blood samples. The faecal samples had to be tested for the presence of eggs or worms, if any. According to the statistics, this infection is transmitted to puppies from their mother’s dam. Giving dog wormer at the earliest will kill the worms that will be discharged in the faeces. When the infection is left unnoticed, it may lead to a severe health condition or even die. Dogs have to be taken for regular consultation, so any abnormal behaviour can be noted and diagnosed early.
Puppies are more prone to get infected easily. So it is important to pay closer attention to puppies and their behavioural patterns. Hookworms get attached to the intestine and suck the blood as they are parasites. A dog can be affected by the hookworm larvae present in the environment. The puppies may get these from their mother’s milk. This infection can also be transmitted to humans. The presence of hookworms is found by examining the stool closely for any faecal floatation. Where the eggs of these hookworms will be floating on the top when mixed with a solution.
Dogs get tapeworm infections when they come in contact with the fleas. These fleas are present in dead organisms and naturally in the environment. When infected by these fleas, the eggs hatch and it is lined in the intestine. These tapeworms are released in the stool and are visible even to human eyes as it resembles a rice piece. This condition can be easily cured by giving deworming tablets to the dogs.
These worms stay alive for up to five years in favourable conditions. These worms affect the colon and cecum regions of the intestine. When the infection is severe, the dog has symptoms like inflammation, diarrhoea, and anaemia. These symptoms may not be seen in mild cases. The presence of these worms cannot be identified with human eyes, the faecal sample has to test for diagnosis. Regular sanitation may keep dogs away from all these infections.
- The garden area and the surrounding have to be clean.
- The faeces has to be removed to avoid any further infections.
- Regular consultation for dogs is mandatory.
- Preventive medications and vaccination protect against infections.
- Dogs have to be watched closely for any abnormalities.
- Keep the pets away from stagnant waters, insects and faeces.