When you have friends and family staying over, the biggest concern is probably cooking for them. So why not put together something mouth-watering yet simple to make?
That’s right! A food platter can be a perfect feast for any size. Gathering. Try covering it with cheese, charcuterie, and other accompaniments. Or host a party with a twist and make the perfect platter.
Tips to Make a Stunning Food Platter
If you have been searching for ways to improve your food platter, you have come to the right place.
1. Choose an Attractive Platter of the Appropriate Size
Choosing the right size of a platter makes a world of difference in your food presentation, and food presentation makes a lot of difference in how someone perceives your food.
Making your food plate visually appealing enhances a dining experience significantly. Therefore, it is vital to choose a slightly smaller canvas than the one you think you need.
This should be done with the primary intention of making the entire presentation look fuller and more luscious. Some cheese, crackers, dips, and fruits are quite a generous platter, but the use of an oversized board will make the plate look empty.
2. Begin with Large Items, then Proceed to Fill the Spaces with Small Ones
The basic idea behind decorating a food platter revolves around prioritizing the larger components.
Then comes the medium-sized items such as dry fruits, crackers, etc. You can start filling these items in the gaps between the larger items. This adds a sense of balance and abundance to the plate.
Once the medium particles settle in, add the smaller bits (e.g., herbs, berries, chocolates, etc.) to cover the remaining gaps in the platter. Follow the large-to-small approach every time you prepare a platter.
3. Befriend Tiny Dishes
Unless you opt for a rustic look, there isn’t a reason that justifies not adding tiny dishes to the mix. Once you set the platter on the table, it is time to introduce a few side dishes.
This way, you can introduce more elements into your dish while elevating its visual appeal. Moreover, you won’t need a platterthe size of a coffee table to accommodate all the food.
4. A little Extra Texture and Color always Make Things Better
With cheese, crackers, certain fruits, etc., generally being the hero ingredients, the plattermight start looking a little washed out and monochromatic.
Hence, adding variety via colour and texture might garner a lot of attention on your food plate. Try to include ingredients that add value to your dish in taste and aesthetics.
5. Mix and Match
Once you navigate through the basics, you can start experimenting by combining opposite flavors. This is the best approach to making a captivating platter.
You can also try serving a healthy platter, including ingredients like sun-dried tomatoes ( 8g of protein), olives, and so on. You can make the platter into whatever you want it to be, given that you have poured some thought into the flavors you wish to include.
A food platter is an excellent yet easy-to-make dish you can put together for a large crowd.
Make sure that your dish is visually appealing and approachable to create an enjoyable dining experience for your guests.